When you’re on the prowl for a new home, you expect the market to be overflowing with options. There are usually a large array of ripe choices, ready for the picking. As the buyer of a beautiful new home, it’s easy to approach the market with bright eyes, looking for that perfect choice to present itself.
However, sometimes Santa leaves coconuts in your stocking. By this, I mean, sometimes there isn’t a lot to choose from, that fits the criteria you are looking for. These metaphorical coconuts, taking the place of the classic coal, meaning you don’t get what you were wanting. When this is the case, sometimes it’s best to widen your scope.
It’s easy to be picky. To know exactly what you desire in a home, down to the last detail. But when the market is scarce, sometimes the best choice is to broaden the criteria. Find the charm in a fixer-upper, or come to realize you don’t need every last detail of your expectations. Perhaps you can decide to add on some of the characteristics you wanted yourself, after you purchase the home you’ve found suitable. There are always options. It’s just a matter of whether or not those options can fit what you are looking for.
So, when Santa leaves you coconuts in your stocking, make fruit punch.
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